Group Run Locations
Cedar's House
200 W Northwestern Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19118, USA
Every Sunday 8am
For the latest on upcoming runs and events — including cancelations or location changes, catch us on social.
Chapter Captains
Benny Mosakowski
Kathie Cornell Laverick
Official Still I Run Chapter
Philadelphia, PA
Welcome to the Philadelphia chapter of Still I Run, facilitated by Benny and Kathie. This is a safe and welcoming community focused on moving forward as a way to cope with mental health struggles. We encourage all paces to join us, as no one runs or walks alone! Still I Run Philly is dedicated to stopping the stigma associated with mental illness, and we are here to listen, or just walk beside you in your journey.
Still I Run's Run Chapter program is supported by a grant from On Running's Social Impact Program, the Right To Run.