Group Run Locations
Silver Lakes Boater's Park
1477 SW 178th Ave, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029, USA
1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month @ 7:30AM
For the latest on upcoming runs and events — including cancelations or location changes, catch us on social.
Chapter Captains
Brenda Rivera
Official Still I Run Chapter
South Florida
Welcome to the Still I Run South Florida Chapter ! Our chapter serves the Miami-Dade and Broward County areas of South Florida. Our goal is to promote the benefits of running for mental health while raising awareness and breaking the stigma. We encourage you to join us as we take time to run/walk for mental health. We welcome all ages and paces.
¡Bienvenido al capítulo de Still I Run South Florida! Nuestro capítulo sirve a las áreas del condado Miami-Dade y Broward del sur de la Florida. Nuestro objetivo es promover los beneficios de correr por la salud mental mientras creamos conciencia y rompemos el estigma. Lo alentamos a que se una a nosotros mientras nos tomamos el tiempo para correr / caminar por la salud mental. Damos la bienvenida a todas las edades y ritmos.
Still I Run's Run Chapter program is supported by a grant from On Running's Social Impact Program, the Right To Run.