The last week or so has been a whirlwind of awesomeness for Still I Run. Lots of media interviews! I love it, but at the same time, it makes me feel really self-conscious. And the reason I say that is because I don’t want Still I Run to be just about me. I want it to be about us, a community that runs for their mental health. A group of people that wants to defeat the stigma and positively add to the mental health conversation. I do realize though, that in order to get other people to share their stories, I have to share my own. My hope is that we all just continue to inspire others in this great big world of ours. At any rate, here are all the places you can find Still I Run right now!
5 x 5 Night

5 x 5 Night. It’s a local event where the top 5 business ideas in the area get 5 minutes to present in front of 5 judges why they think they deserve $5,000 dollars. Right now we’re in the voting phase, so I just need to keep up momentum until the end of the month. This would be an incredible opportunity for Still I Run. Right off the bat, I’d use $700 to make us an official 501(c)(3). We’re an official non-profit right now, but if we want to receive tax-deductible donations to help grow the community, it will cost $700 for that designation through the IRS. Another $1,300 would be used to continue to produce and sell mental health awareness apparel for runners. This is important so we can keep spreading the good word about mental health awareness and donate 20% of the proceeds to Pine Rest’s Patient Assistance Fund. I would use $1,000 for digital advertising to help grow awareness about Still I Run, and $500 for the creation and printing of marketing collateral. And lastly, I’d use $1,500 to sponsor local races. This is a super important way to get in front of runners who may use the sport for mental health purposes. Winning $5,000 for Still I Run would help me grow this small community of ours. The more people we can continue to reach, the more we can defeat the BS stigma around mental health. If you have a second, I’d appreciate your vote.
Grand Rapids Magazine
This month, we’re in Grand Rapids Magazine, talking about how and why Still I Run got started. It was a pleasure sharing with them and I’ve had a few people reach out to me in private about how they use mental health for running and they’re glad someone is speaking up about it.

Fox 17 Morning Mix
On Monday, I was invited to chat with local Fox affiliate about the community. I think that was a big step for me personally. It’s really the first time I’ve said in a big media interview that I have checked myself into a mental hospital. Being vulnerable like that is scary, I do hope it helps inspire people to get the care they may need.

Pine Rest Foundation
And lastly, Still I Run is on the front page of the Pine Rest Foundation’s Spring Newsletter. It was a great way to share with that audience the impact Pine Rest has had on my life personally.